
When you purchase SILILABEL S.A. products, you receive the highest quality in the industry. From the beginning, we have been committed to quality by means of:

  • Continuous investment in technology to ensure that products meet their specifications and applications.
  • Production practices and processes saving resources and raw materials.
  • Tailor-made products enabling our customers to save, thus improving yields.
  • Sophisticated procedures and process and product control equipment.

Our quality also results from human resources:

  • The permanent staff is made up of highly trained technicians, graduates and engineers.
  • Seniority that can enhance staff expertise.
  • Internal production and development training programs.

Our commitment to quality from abroad:

  • Continuous audits by the Pharmaceutical and Food Industries.
  • Awards and distinctions.


Captura de pantalla 2016-03-21 a las 8.55.16 p.m.

"The company philosophy is based on the permanent search of business opportunities which apply and enhance its innovative capacity" Sililabel S.A. " Sililabel is firmly committed to continuously sustaining and enhancing its technical capabilities for the benefit of new product development."

Latest Review: 30/08/2012

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